ScanWater provides training services either connected to our equipment or aimed at the basics of humanitarian response. Our employees have real world experience from the field and have trained people around the globe.

You can read the invite and details here:


Thematic areas to we can cover in addition to water & sanitation include: 

  • Humanitarian Principles
  • Sphere
  • Cross Cutting Issues
  • Emergency Assessment
  • Project Assessment and Scoping
  • Water and Sanitation
  • Logical Framework (LFA)
  • Project Management
  • Leadership and teamwork
  • Training of Trainers (ToT)

Ask us if you have a specific need not listed here…

ScanWater has long been one of the key actors within the development and delivery of water treatment, storage and distribution systems, including sanitation equipment to humanitarian agencies globally. In relation to our product range, we aim to provide quality training to our customers as part of our service guarantee.

ScanWater can provide more than pure technical training facilitation on the operation and maintenance of our equipment. Ensuring a holistic approach to the delivery of WASH services requires that your partners and staff are skilled of humanitarian principles, project management, cross-cutting issues like gender and the environment, coordination and security just to name a few.

Please contact ScanWater to find out how we can assist you and your staff with their training needs.