Scandinavian Water Technology AS (ScanWater) has been a supplier to the water and wastewater sector since 1985 and has extensive experience, excellent references and an established position in the sector. With highly experienced engineers in our team, we can provide bespoke products and systems in a professional manner to our customers and partners.
Our water and wastewater products and solutions fulfil needs within the following markets:
- Water solution (turnkey projects);
- Humanitarian & aid; and
- Municipal preparedness.
Our mother company, Malthe Winje Group (MWG), has been a well-known engineering brand in various infrastructure sectors for over 90 years. Synergies with sister companies within the MWG allows ScanWater to offer complete solutions to complex problems. As an example, through incorporating automation solutions from sister company Malthe Winje Automation, clients can monitor the performance of a drinking water quality. All this means ScanWater can deliver advanced complete turnkey solutions. MWG’s resources also help ensure quality and provides financial strength.
ScanWater is a reliable and trustful partner, with a focus on Norwegian technology with high quality and proven components. We also provide great service and support including training, all at competitive prices.
For larger infrastructure projects, ScanWater can access multiple sources of financing with favorable conditions. We also have close ties to Norwegian Universities and other governmental institutes, allowing us to provide extended training and exchange programs to our partners, in addition to R&D.